CVR Virk

Denmark only!

💬 Description

CVR Virk is the central public database for all companies in Denmark. It contains all historic and current companies with data points on the industry, number of employees, founding date, and founders amongst others. With Less you can extract two tables:

  1. CVR Virk is the central public database for all companies in Denmark. It contains all historic and current companies with data points on the industry, number of employees, founding date, and founders amongst others. With Less you can extract two tables:

  2. A time series table of the number of employees for all active companies dating back to 2019 (when they began counting)

🤑 Use Case

Can help understand and enrich CRM-systems with company size (by employees), address, etc. We use it internally to understand how many potential users are within an organization.

🛠️ Setup

CVR Virk is very simple if you already have a user at CVR. If not, you might need to wait a few weeks for them to set you up. In the meantime, we have an internal database that we can duplicate if you reach out.

Step #1: Get login credentials

Follow the guide on CVR’s own website: You need to send them an email with some basic info. It's completely free to use.

Step #2: Log in

Once you have your login credentials, simply input the username and password in the Connector configuration window. The tables contain millions of rows, so its takes a while to extract the first time.

Last updated